Publication helps people get Connecticut jobs
Posted on July 7, 2013
The Connecticut Career Paths publication, a resource for jobseekers, students and career counselors, has recently been updated and can be found on the Connecticut Department of Labor’s website at under the “Labor Market Information” page and can help many job seekers find Connecticut jobs.
“Connecticut Career Paths has become an invaluable and extremely popular resource for providing career and labor market information to career explorers and job seekers in our state,” noted State Labor Commissioner Sharon M. Palmer. “Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions we make in life. This publication was created to provide you with all the information you need on skills and training to prepare yourself for a successful career in one of the many occupations available in our state’s workforce.”
Copies of the 2013 Connecticut Career Paths have also been provided to high schools, higher education facilities, and private schools so students will have them when returning from summer vacations.
The 44-?page publication is designed to assist as a personal guide to making employment and career decisions. Topics addressed in the publication include choosing a career, strategies in financing college, Connecticut’s Career Pathways Initiative, and available programs and resources that can help people with career decisions.
Occupational descriptions, number of individuals employed in a field, annual job openings, salary information, training required, education and training sites, and basic skills employers require are highlighted in the publication.