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Pay secrecy legislation to affect those with Connecticut jobs

Posted on February 20, 2015

The governor is proposing legislation regarding the practice of pay secrecy in order to positively impact those with Connecticut jobs.

Pay secrecy is a practice among employers that frequently hinders pay discrimination from being pinpointed. Under the proposal, it will become illegal for employers to prohibit their employees from disclosing their own compensation information or inquiring about the wages of another employee.

“In the analysis we completed on this topic, we learned that frank and open discussions about wages in the workplace can help address the pay equity problem through increased awareness of the issue,” Commissioner Smith said. “This legislation retains a company’s confidential information, while allowing a more transparent and informed conversation on the topic.”

“Unfortunately, pay secrecy policies contribute greatly to the gender pay gap that continues to exist, and this legislation is an important step toward ending wage discrimination women encounter in the workplace,” Commissioner Palmer said. “In Connecticut, where women comprise approximately 47% of the workforce and are often responsible for ensuring the economic security of their families, pay fairness is key if we want to provide a better quality for life for our citizens and the generations that follow.”

“Wage discrimination is insidious and damages the economic security of women and minorities in the workforce — and their families,” Lt. Governor Nancy Wyman said. “Ending pay secrecy is part of ensuring Connecticut’s global competitiveness and sends a signal that both women and men are valuable to the workplace and the economy, and that all employees must be compensated fairly and justly irrespective of gender and race.”

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