Manufacturing jobs in Connecticut climb
Posted on December 2, 2018
The number of manufacturing jobs in Connecticut have grown, according to recent labor statistics.
The state gained 1,500 net jobs (0.1%) in October 2018, to a level of 1,701,900, seasonally adjusted. Over the year, nonagricultural employment in the state grew by 22,300 jobs (1.3%).
The September 2018 originally-released job decrease of 500 was revised down 900 jobs to a loss of 1,400 over the month. The number of the state’s unemployed residents was estimated at 80,000, seasonally adjusted unchanged from September. As a result, Connecticut’s October unemployment rate remained unchanged at 4.2%, seasonally adjusted.
Private sector employment grew by 1,200 (0.1%) to 1,474,100 jobs over the month in October, and added 25,700 (1.8%) seasonally-adjusted jobs over the year. The government supersector added 300 jobs in October to a total of 227,800, with over-the-year losses now at 3,400 or -1.5%.
Six of the ten major industry supersectors gained employment in October, while three declined and the construction & mining supersector remained unchanged (0.0%, 63,500 total jobs).
Financial activities led growing sectors with 900 net new jobs (0.7%, 129,700). Professional & business services added 700 jobs (0.3%, 223,000) while manufacturing (0.2%, 164,700) and government (0.1%, 227,800) each contributed 300 new jobs. Lastly, the education & healthcare services (0.0%, 341,900) and information (0.3%, 30,500) supersectors each grew by100.
Once again, the trade, transportation & utilities supersector led declines, shedding 400 jobs (-0.1%, 295,800). Other services dropped 300 jobs (-0.5%, 65,500) in October while leisure & hospitality (-0.1%, 159,500) saw a small loss of 200. Connecticut has now recovered 90.4% (107,700 jobs) of the 119,100 seasonally adjusted jobs lost in the “Great Recession” (3/08-2/10).