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Grant expands Connecticut jobs for those with disabilities

Posted on October 2, 2016

A new grant is helping create more Connecticut jobs for people with disabilities.

The Connecticut Department of Labor (CTDOL) has been awarded a $2.5 million federal grant to enhance its ongoing work to promote employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

The grant, awarded by the U.S. Department of Labor, enables CTDOL to build upon its successful Disability Employment Initiative that includes providing disability resource coordinators in American Job Centers to assist jobseekers and employers, upgrade assistive technology to help those with disabilities gain employment, and offer Diverse Ability career fairs to connect employers and jobseekers.

“People with disabilities bring a wide range of skills to the workforce, however in many instances people can find themselves facing barriers when searching for employment.  Our state has tools available to help ensure employers and jobseekers have the resources and knowledge they need to make the right connections,” Governor Malloy said.  “Connecticut is at its strongest when the diverse talents of our workforce are making meaningful contributions in the workplace and to our economy.  To do that, we need to make sure that everyone has access to career opportunities – this grant will help us enhance those efforts.”

“This major federal grant is a win-win for jobseekers and employers – helping to break down some of the barriers that have contributed to unacceptable levels of unemployment amongst people with disabilities,” the members of Connecticut’s Congressional delegation said in a joint statement.  “People with disabilities have so much to contribute in the workplace, and it benefits our entire economy to make sure they have the opportunities and resources they need to advance and succeed.”

CTDOL Commissioner Scott Jackson said, “This grant allows us to continue the great work that has already been accomplished in Connecticut.  We have helped employers that want to ensure people with disabilities are part of their company workforce, and we have been able to assist jobseekers by connecting them to the resources they need to succeed.”

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