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Education jobs in Connecticut

Posted on July 2, 2018

The number of education jobs in Connecticut are growing.

The state grew 4,100 net jobs (0.2%) in May 2018, to a level of 1,690,700, seasonally adjusted.

Private sector employment grew by 4,300 (0.3%) to 1,460,800 jobs over the month in May, and remains up by 13,800 (1.0%) seasonally-adjusted jobs over the year.

The government supersector lost 200 positions in May to a total of 229,900, with over-the-year losses at -2,300 or -1.0%.

The government supersector includes all federal, state and local employment, including public higher education and Native American casino employment located on tribal land. Five of the ten major industry supersectors gained employment in May, while four declined.

The manufacturing supersector was unchanged. The trade, transportation and utilities supersector led growing industries with 2,600 net new jobs (0.9%, 300,200 total jobs) in May. Other services were next with 1,000 net new jobs (1.6%, 65,400).

Education & health services (0.1%, 339,300) and leisure & hospitality (0.3%, 155,000) both added 500 jobs in May. Lastly, the financial activities supersector was up by 400 jobs (0.3%, 128,000).

On the down side, the mining & construction supersector dropped 300 jobs (-0.5%, 59,400) in May, while professional & business services (-0.1%, 220,300) and the information (-0.7%, 30,400) supersectors both saw small losses of 200.

The Berlin Citizen
The Bristol Press
New Britain Herald
The Express
Cheshire Citizen
The Chronicle
The Journal Inquirer
Mystic River Press
The North Haven Citizen
The Plainville Citizen
The Southington Citizen
Town Times
Westerly The Sun