Connecticut Jobs to Increase
Posted on September 25, 2008
Many jobs in Connecticut are expected to grow during the near future.
Through 2014, employment in the State of Connecticut is expected to increase by more than 150,000 jobs, or 8.5 percent, when compared to employment in 2004. It also is expected an additional 420,000 workers will be needed because of employee turnover, according to an article by the Connecticut Department of Labor.
Connecticut, along with the rest of the country, is expected to shift from a manufacturing economy to a service economy. By 2014, it is projected the state’s manufacturing industry will only employ 10 percent of the state’s workforce.
“All of the top 10 industries expected to create the most new jobs during the projection period are found in the service sector,” the article notes. “The education and health services sector will account for half of these industries and provide more than one-third of all new employment opportunities. Additionally, two of the top ten industries can be found in business and professional services, two in hospitality and food services, and one in financial services.
Of the 20 fastest-growing occupations in the state. 60 percent will require at least a bachelor’s or master’s degree and pay out salaries of more than $75,000 per year. These occupations include: computer software engineers, network systems analysts, personal financial advisers, and physical therapists. The remainder of the fastest-growing occupations will require either an associates degree or some on-the-job training and will pay salaries ranging from $25,000 to $56,000 per year.
Half of the new jobs created will be management, professional and technical positions. These may include: healthcare support and practitioners adding 13,600 new jobs; business and financial operations adding 11,500 new jobs; management adding 10,800 new jobs; education and training adding 10,200 new jobs and computers and mathematical occupations adding 9,400 new jobs.
Sales-related occupations are expected to add 16,280 new jobs, while food preparation and serving occupations should add 15,000 new jobs and personal care and services occupations will add 9,000 new jobs. Production occupations are expected lost 4,000 jobs.