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Connecticut Government Jobs Cut, Residents Can Weigh in with New Web Site

Posted on February 9, 2009

After recent controversy over the state’s budget, which includes several Connecticut government jobs being cut, residents have a chance to weigh in.

The State of Connecticut has created a new Web site to give taxpayers an opportunity to review the state’s new two-year budget. The site also will allow residents to see up-to-date changes and make recommendations on how to make Connecticut’s government more efficient.

“We welcome scrutiny,” Gov. M. Jodi Rell said in a press release. We welcome ideas. These are challenging times that require leadership and ingenuity. Now is not the time to fight over who gets credit. This is not my budget, nor the Legislature’s. It belongs to the taxpayers of Connecticut who have a right to be part of the process, and most importantly, the solution.”

The site details the specifics of Rell’s Deficit Mitigation Plan, which is intended to close a $300 million budget shortfall. The site also features current and archived news releases on the economy and budget.

The site includes links to view budgets of various agencies and aid to cities and towns, as well as a link to view and download the entire 600-page budget. The budget itself is divided into tax, revenue and agency budgets sections. There also are pie charts and graphics that review state revenue and expenditures for 2007-2009.

“The Web site is a wonderful educational tool,” Rell added. “One quick look at the revenue chart, for example, taxpayers will know instantly that more than 42 percent of our revenue comes from personal income tax and 20 percent from sales tax. Those figures will really resonate with everyone as we hear forecasts on unemployment and consumer spending.

“Taxpayers deserve to know how and where their dollars are being spent and the state budget has always been open to scrutiny,” Rell continued. “This new Web site makes it much easier to access that information and, I hope, give the public a clearer understanding of what we are facing in these challenging economic times.”

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